Просмотр полной версии : ns-blackberry и ошибка Socket Error # 10061

07.02.2008, 12:00
Всем привет! При подключённом BB 7100v( с отключенным запросом кода), и драйверах отсюда: http://download.unlockcellular.com/remote/blackberry/
Возникает вот такая ошибка:
Locating Emeralda server...
Server found.
Connecting to server...
Connection to server failed. Socket Error # 10061
Connection refused.

Скриншот: http://i29.tinypic.com/11ttlyf.jpg

Что нужно вводить в поля: Server Login и Server Password ?

Спасибо за помощь!

08.02.2008, 21:15
Supported Blackberry* Phones:

BlackBerry 71xx Series : 7100g, 7100g, 7100i, 7100r, 7100t, 7100v, 7105t, 7130e
BlackBerry 72xx Series : 7230, 7250, 7280, 7290,
BlackBerry 75xx Series : 7520,
BlackBerry 77xx Series : 7730, 7750, 7780,
BlackBerry 8700 Series : not supported
Unlock BlackBerry 5***, 6***, 7***
Using standard blackberry USB cable (as supplied with phone)

Phones not supported: X700, 7510 (iden), 5810, H700

* Blackberry firmware must be 4.x and up, No password protected!


1. Please install the driver first before connecting your blackberry
2. if you have blackberry connected before, it usually use standard driver so please replace with our Jungo driver.
you can do this from control panel>system>device manager
3. start the ns-blackberry.exe
4. enter your id and password
5. we recommend you test the server connection first
6. click unlock the phone and the unlock code will be shown
7. for those who dont know the procedure to enter the code back to the phone, please read the instrucion below

Make sure phone is upgraded to latest 4.x firmware. You can check this by going to options>about settings

If not, please visit www.blackberry.com to download latest version for your phone model.

Please remove/disable password from the phone. If password is forgotten, enter the password wrong 10 times will reformat the phone. ALL DATA IS LOST!

Please check if the phone has security policy, usually this is because the phone is setup up to operate with Blackberry Enterprise server. Please remove the security policy

Now you are ready to unlock the phone
Connect the phone to the pc and click read the code and it will show you the code.

Entering unlocking codes:
1 - Using the menu go to Settings Menu -> SIM card press select.
2 - While holding the SHIFT key, type “MEPD” or incase of 7100 “MEPDD”
3 - You should now see the five locking categories listed.
4 - While holding the ALT KEY, type “MEP2” or incase of 7100 “MEPP2”
5 - Release the alt key.
6 - You are now prompted to enter the Network MEP code (will also state how many attempts left)
7 - Enter the code
8 - Enter Return/Enter
9 - The device should then be unlocked

Насчёт пароля на сервак, так сейчас вроде не надо, халява

11.02.2008, 12:47
всё :-) я разлочил через PSTool :-)